As we will discuss later, phytonutrients - strong structures struggling with death which, as it is known, help to prevent a cancer and many other illnesses. They are sometimes mentioned as phytochemicals because biologically. You do not demand them for a survival. Shortage phytonutrients (unlike nutrients, vital for a human life), will not necessarily cause an avitaminosis. But phytonutrients are nevertheless essential to optimum health.
These molecules have many and various functions of granting of health in a body, playing the important roles which hold counterbalanced and without illnesses. For example, they can advance healthy function of immune system, the certificate directly against bad bacteria and viruses, to reduce ignition, and to be connected with processing or prevention of cardiovascular illness, among other illnesses. Actually, some people believe that many of the illness breaking settlements of industrially developed countries, occur because of shortage phytonutrients in a diet. The part of the processed products of the reason can be so unfriendly to our bodies, and full health is simple that natural phytonutrients have been removed during their manufacture. Increase giving in to processing or predotvratimykh causes of death today especially in the western cultures where extremely processed products much - can be connected with phytochemical deficiencies in a diet.
Fruit and vegetables should many the bright colours to phytonutrients. Lutein, for example, does grain yellow; lycopene does tomatoes red; carotin does carrots orange; and antocyanin does bilberry berries dark blue. These two ways with which phytonutrients help you, they can (1) certificate as antioxidants and (2) reduce ignition. That the certificate as antioxidants offers protection against free radicals - jet, destructive molecules for a cell in a body and can lead to a cancer. Indoly, the type phytonutrients, found in cabbage, is stimulated with enzymes which do an estrogen by less effective, probably reducing risk of a cancer of a mammary gland. Saponins, found in beans, interfere with the answer of cellular DNA, thus preventing multiplication of cancer cages. Capsaicin, found in hot pepper, helps to protect DNA from cancerogenic substances. And at allicin from garlic there are antibacterial properties. They - only a few f which can put privileges phytonutrients.